In a weird way having a delusional self-identification with a fake Chad that lives inside a brain is like... missing the point while also somehow getting it but in the worst way possible. Pretty funny, really.
It's like being too much of a dullard for inverse psychology to work. Tobacco companies: "Don't smoke cigarettes." These guys: "Okie dokie, I won't, then." Brains so smooth you could skip them across a pond.
In a weird way having a delusional self-identification with a fake Chad that lives inside a brain is like... missing the point while also somehow getting it but in the worst way possible. Pretty funny, really.
It's like being too much of a dullard for inverse psychology to work. Tobacco companies: "Don't smoke cigarettes." These guys: "Okie dokie, I won't, then." Brains so smooth you could skip them across a pond.