I like the general category of energy/mood/vibes. I find such terms helpful for making associations with something without having to specific technical aspects of one thing to another. :cat-vibing:

I'm very fond of the concept of screm. The last few years have had plenty of opportunity to invoke screms. :screm-pretty: :bird-screm1: :bird-screm-2: :kitty-cri-screm: :screm-a: :screm: :screm3: :shinji-screm:

I despise the entire :reddit-logo: popularized "who hurt you?" catalogue. Things are already callous and coarse enough without random internet strangers scoring cheap and petty points by glibly implying someone that they don't like must be emotionally traumatized and that emotional trauma is worthy of mockery.

"Get help / you are mentally ill" is an older but still commonly used part of the :reddit-logo: arsenal too, which makes it very hard to convey helpful and sincere intent because the putdown category weaponizes the concept of mental illness for the sake of cheap shots. A good proper normal person is implied to never need help. If someone needs help, someone must have hurt them and/or they are mentally ill, which implies that they are bad and weak. :galaxy-brain:

  • amber2 [she/her,they/them]
    2 years ago

    No offense to anyone here, but I'm starting to get tired of the doomer/bloomer dynamic

    At this point it just means pessimistic/optimistic, right? In a year or two from now I don't want anyone referring to their depressive state as "taking the doompill"

    Zoomer is still a cool way to refer to gen Z, though