Hospitalizations doubled in MA and current CDC risk level is “medium” with proposed measures being talk to your doctor about wearing a mask if you’re immunocompromised

Nobody could have foreseen this

  • crime [she/her, any]
    2 years ago
    1. I always feel like I am pooping in the punch bowl when tweeting out this kind of info. Everyone wants “normal”. But a lot of people are at risk especially in lower-income communities, and we can’t just ignore reality.


    • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      straight up. yeah, i wish covid was over. masking, isolating more than i'd prefer, unclear protocols for all kinds of shit i used to take for granted.

      but, as the saying goes, you can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which gets filled first.

      • invo_rt [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Same, same. I'm not a fan of being in a stuffy mask all day, especially when it's getting warm outside again.

        On the other hand, a coworker who told me two weeks ago "why don't you take that damn thing off?", referring to my mask, just tested positive for COVID for the second time on Friday.


        • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          jesus. i have yet to have someone ask me why i don't take my mask off, but i feel like it's inevitable at this point in the Built Back Better / Post-COVID world. So far, at least, the leaders of the institutions i am accountable to have said publicly and repeatedly that "people who still want to wear masks should be respected".

          But i've seen looks and i'm sure when i'm challenged i'll say something erudite like, "why don't you go fuck yourself?" in a mirrored tone.

          • invo_rt [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Yeah, it's probably good to have something in your back pocket lol. I think that was the third time I've been asked, twice from strangers and once from the coworker.

            I played the coworker one off since I'm a supervisor and have to maintain the consent of the people I'm responsible for by telling my coworker "well, then I'd have to smile".

            For the others, it was two random chuds in public. One was said in a condescending fashion telling me to take it off because the mask mandate was over. "Do you believe everything the govt tells you?" was my response. The other was in line at the grocery store and some wrap around sunglasses guy starts volunteers information about 5G COVID masks and shit and I just tried to out-conspiracy him by telling him I wear the mask because there are facial recognition cameras everywhere trying to track me. If I wasn't in public, I would've probably been more dismissive.

            • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              I wear the mask because there are facial recognition cameras everywhere trying to track me

              lol, i like the phrasing of that because it implies they are trying to track you, specifically.

              this is making me think of other cool answers. like a Bane exchange "What would happen if I took off your mask?" "It would be very painful. For you "

  • happybadger [he/him]
    2 years ago

    CDC guidelines as we reach 2 million dead: "omg Ukraine is being invaded and you're worried about this. really?"

  • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Kind of a tangential question, but aren't we reaching a point where the effectiveness of the boosters will start to decrease too? Shouldn't another round be getting pushed out soon?

    • Mother [any]
      2 years ago

      Really tough to say since there’s no information out there. Immunity is declining for sure, and immunocompromised people are cleared for 4th shots I believe. I saw somewhere out there that a 4th shot helps against asymptomatic infection.

      I’d look to see what occupied Palestine is doing. Aside from being genocidal maniacs their government has been on the forward part of the curve when it comes to immunizations.

      What I want to know is when these variant specific vaccines that could be quickly rolled out the pharma execs touted early last year are going to manifest

      Edit: 4th dose doesn’t seem to do much

      Edit2: only 30% of USians are boosted

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      People actually getting their boosters would help.

      Very few people have actually gotten them. No use pushing a 4th dose (aside from immunocompromised and vulnerable people) if most won't even get the third.

    • TheModerateTankie [any]
      2 years ago

      The omicron based variants are also evolving to evade immune response, so we probably need an omicron based booster.

  • ass [he/him,comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    why do the people who are fucking dying want to keep dying. i understand why the politicians and ceos want it, but why do regular people want it.

    "hi, i would like to shit myself to death covered in bed sores please. this is always how i planned to avoid attending my kids' weddings.

    • barrbaric [he/him]M
      2 years ago

      The vast majority of people fall into two camps at this point. The first have been told that covid is over by the alleged experts and the media, so as far as they're concerned, covid is over. In my experience, they were already tired of masking, so there's also a measure of willing disbelief.

      The second camp are hogs who have been opposed to every anti-covid measure since the start.

      As an anecdotal example, I know exactly 2 people (other than myself) who are still taking covid seriously. None of my coworkers or family give a shit, and neither do most of my friends.

    • Mother [any]
      2 years ago

      Dog brains, if Tucker Carlson told them to eat shit they would do it

    • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      So, the reason that masks don't really have a negative effect on respiration is because the diffusion is primarily driven by the propensity of gases to mix and fill the container or room they are in, and the existing movement of air in the room you're in. You breathing doesn't really contribute very much to that.

      There is no appreciable difference in CO2 concentration you're breathing with a mask, especially since what masks do is block small particles of water, snot, and spittle from getting blasted at people, rather than blocking the air.

    • CheGueBeara [he/him]
      2 years ago

      For masks to impair respiration they'd need to either slow it down to the point where you simply can't catch your breath or they'd need to have a volume comparable to that of your lungs.

      Imagine you exhale completely through an N95. That air has to go somewhere, and that somewhere isn't in your lungs or the space between your mask and your face (it's way too small). The air just goes between the fibers. The same logic applies to inhalation: the air has to come from outside the mask.

      There are people who already had poor respiratory function and are impacted by masks because they can't breathe as quickly as they normally would need to, particularly during exercise. That part isn't a matter of a higher CO2 concentration, it's more like needing to breathe through a straw: possible when you're at rest, impossible when running.

        • CheGueBeara [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I don't understand what you think is magic about air going through a mask.

            • CheGueBeara [he/him]
              2 years ago

              the magic is you people treating it like it is literally an immaterial, intangible thing, and not an actual physical barrier that actual physical molecules still have to pass through

              I didn't say anything like that and actually implied the opposite... the need for air molecules to transit between the fibers is what creates pressure in the mask that limits how fast you can breathe in one. There's stuff in the way. It doesn't do it a ton, though, which is why this primarily impacts people who already have trouble getting enough oxygen - and particularly when they exercise.

              all I’m getting is the same shitlib handwaving “it’s not a problem” citing 0 studies showing actual CO2 concentrations with/without masks (without focusing on hypercapnia, which is, again, an acute condition that is not what I’m fucking talking about)

              Please be less belligerent and insulting. Again, I didn't do any of that and started out explaining why low CO2 in masks makes zero sense. You don't need a citation, you just need to walk through the fact that the air going in and out of your lungs has to go somewhere when you breathe and it ain't sticking around in the mask. I'm happy to talk about why that is if this doesn't make sense to you, but please be comradely.

              meanwhile looking this up in the past I found literally just sitting in a fucking chair in a normally ventilated office can result in a bubble of CO2 in your personal space >1200ppm (enough to see noticeable decline on cognitive examinations)

              Which has nothing to do with masking, that's about ventilation in the rest of the space.

              fuck me for thinking people shouldn’t have to live with even 100-200ppm increases in their personal space just to keep the blood god of the economy grinding them up

              Can you tell me where I told people to go pound sand over elevated CO2 levels?

            • L183R4L [any]
              2 years ago

              I don't think anyone is arguing that we should have to continue dealing with Covid outbreaks for the economy, but Western society for the most part has accepted it to be endemic (which I think everyone on this site would agree is awful). Masks are a way to try and impede the transmission, and one of the only things individuals can do to try and help protect themselves and others. The impact on CO2 concentration can be very real, but unless you're just wanting it acknowledged then it seems like an argument for going maskless

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      That's not to do with masks, but lack of ventilation. Indoor air quality in general is pretty bad due to poor ventilation. It's why you should always open a window when you can. Many buildings take shortcuts with ventilation.

      The tweet you've linked says nothing about masks affecting air quality, it's saying that a triple effect of no maks, lack of ventilation and lack of air filtration causing a spike in COVID 19 cases.

      SF schools no longer require masks, but surprisingly also no longer require #Ventilation or #useHEPA filters. Triple whammy as it were. (CO2 in one classroom over 3000ppi and a positive Covid test in same room)