Seems legit

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The USSR was always fighting against its own internal reactionaries at a structural level. Basically every institution had strict quotas for representation from the member republics, representation of women, etc to prevent domination by men or Russians - quotas which were done away with when the Union was destroyed, leading directly to the sorry state of political representation in Eastern Europe today. African Americans who visited the USSR tend to report being treated very well by the people there, but it's also true that there wasn't much of a flow of Africans into the Soviet Union and that kind of racism spikes when immigration starts happening (though it also tends to return to the norm once the immigrant population has had time to be integrated). It's also worth noting that the USSR didn't have freedom of speech, and one of the things that was allowed to run rampant after the introduction of liberalism was hate speech, which undoubtedly radicalized a bunch of people who were looking for a group to hate in the desperate times of the 90s.

    Lastly, basically every formerly communist place sees a big right wing reaction once the commies lose power. Some of that is natural as the bourgeois reasserts itself, but a lot of it is undeniably because reactionaries get a lot of funding from capitalist countries as a counter to leftists.