I don’t even want to screenshot that shit

  • frick [they/them]
    2 years ago

    yeah i find it to be one of the most upsetting things redditeurs do regularly. It's particularly egregious in europe because europeans fancy themselves unable to be racist and there are a lot of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants from MENA countries for some reason nobody can really explain. So maybe because it's a total mystery as to why all these immigrants are here there's no sense of culpability and after all what's the most natural human instinct? Pissing off your neighbors for no reason at all. So the enlightened and totally not racist europeans get out there and exercise their god-given right to piss off their neighbors for no reason at all and are shocked... shocked... SHOCKED...


    that people react violently to it. After all violence is the cardinal sin of enlightened liberalism. So the violent infiltrators obviously need to be deported or otherwise dealt with.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Civility politics are performed the way the banker in the Monopoly board game performs banking duties: the whole point of having the privilege of enforcing the rules is to take advantage of it.

    • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Wh*te liberals believe themselves to be the most enlightened and progressive people on earth, and that's what makes them superior to the backwards subhumans of the rest

      Everyone else is more racist and sexist and bigoted than the glorious whte societies. Whtes are superior because they treat everyone equally, unlike the rest of humanity, which is inferior

      This is completely wrong, delusional and self-contradictory but wh*tes cannot see. Also funny that libs completely and conveniently ignore the significant and growing far right segments of the yt western population here