I don't know why they hate fun so much. For people who claim to love freedom and individuality they sure hate people expressing themselves in non-conforming ways.

I know they claim its because it's "unnatural" but you don't see them complaining about brunettes bleaching their hair to be blonde. Come to think of it, they don't have a problem with women using plastic surgery to have unnaturally large boobs either (unless they happen to be trans)

Hmmmmm :thinking-about-it:

  • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    culture warriors transmute all political opinions into consumer categories, and direct rage at people who pursue certain aesthetics and products for fictive affiliation to hated groups.

    these people still have sumptuary brain which is actually remarkable considering how long and hard capitalism has worked to eliminate it through consumer choice---realistically the ideal these sorts are imagining is just a different marketing category rather than genuine traditionalism though