Just like when Hitler let Allied troops be extracted from Dunkirk.

I just love how the media is uncritically repeating Nazi talking points. And this is the same soldier that the MSM has been showing giving updates on Mariupol. Note how he has the Azov patch on his chest covered. Previously he'd had it out in the open. Of course its all moot when there's another soldier right next to him proudly wearing their Azov patch on their sleeve.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Libs unironically think thats how war works despite every single piece of evidence saying the contrary. 500 years ago their ancestors were bemoaning about how guns are ungentlemanly and were some kind of faux pas while everyone involved in either army was far more likely to shit themselves to death rather than die on the battlefield because Lord Numbnuts decided the latrine should be dug upriver from the camp.

    You'd think the constant throughline of war before antibiotics of shitting your britches until you died would have disabused these motherfuckers from thinking war is cool and yet here we are! Again! :screm-a: