I mean, basically the whole family is going to jail the moment their dad is out of office. We know it, and they know it. Trump himself has been sowing seeds to declare a loss illegitimate, and for years now he's occasionally joked that it'd be super cool for America to have a president for life like all the dictators he looks up to. So does anybody really think that in the event of a Biden win, Trump's gonna just give up the office without a fight and wait for the noose to tighten around his, and his children's, necks? There's gonna be a huge electoral fracas at the very least. There could be a lot of fash violence too. I don't really think it'll spark Civil War 2 by itself but it could certainly help. It seems to me like a lot of folks here talking about a Biden presidency are ignoring the minor hurdle of getting Trump to cede power in the first place.

  • krothotkin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I really doubt the family is going to jail, but I think it's a fair question as to whether Trump willingly vacates. My suspicion is that he will. That way, he'll get to go back into his favorite pastime - making money - and get to sit on Twitter all day without having to worry about boring official duties. Plus, I don't think Republicans really have all that much to gain from him staying in office. Biden is basically a Republican already. Why put the STONKS at risk by having Trump inject even more chaos into the situation? The STONKS like stability, and nothing will fundamentally change if Biden wins.

    However, regardless of whether Trump decides to vacate, I think he'll still rile up his followers and there will be serious fash street violence. He'll tweet some dumb shit about voter fraud knowing he has no skin in the game and all the Proud Boys and Qheads of the world will treat him like a martyr. Will it be enough for us to go full-on Cool Zone? Not sure. But it'll definitely be a shitshow.