Where I live, even if it's been misogynistically loaded by :reddit-logo: and related communities, "Karens" are very real, both in my neighborhood and where I go to get groceries. They argue, a lot, and are especially confrontational and condescending with employees. They will fight and demand a manager over a difference in cents or a matter of months on an expired coupon, and snap their fingers to get people's attention, lick fingers when handling their money as a performative thing they learned from TV, and it isn't just a women thing. For lack of an agreed-upon term, "Henrys" are roughly the same thing but dress like 55+ year old children, wear flip-flops and cargo shorts and have goatees to go with their thumb heads, and have more direct threats of violence toward employees for the same setbacks.

The other stereotype involves self-described libertarians. I knew dozens, in fact scores, during college, and many never grew out of it. Speaking of growing up, almost every single one of them at some point argued with me, usually unprompted, that age of consent laws are "a social construct" and that "a lot of teenagers, and even children" (their words not mine :desolate: ) "are easily as logical and capable of consent as adults." Lots of them cited how child marriage is common and normal or even that they had ancestors that had child marriages and dared me to say their ancestors were pedophiles (in one case, I did dare say that. Yes, there was a fight). They didn't agree on everything but their desire to violate teenagers was a consistent trait. :epstein:

  • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Construction related

    Electricians are anal retentive and don't clean up their fucking wire

    Older plumbers/pipefitters are broken both on the outside and on the inside. Absolutely ravaged by time and their job.

    Younger plumbers are basically all dude bro white dudes who party every night but somehow can manage to show up for work

    Steel stud framers are always trying to act hard as fuck but are usually just not that smart.

    Drywallers are foreign workers being exploited by their employers more than most and are on piece work pay so don't give half a fuck about anything but getting pieces of drywall on.

    If a mechanical Insulator works more than a 6 hour day without like 7 breaks they had a rough shift

    Construction general labour is usually being lied to, working under a temp agency, or being grossly underpaid. Always talk to any construction labourers you meet about their rights and any job opportunities you know about in a different trade.

    • PrideBoy [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Damn how do i become a mechanical insulator?

      Also sounds about right which is why construction and building trades have always seemed like a bad idea to me. But i could always see myself as a plumber. I like it, but i am sure i can’t deal with the co-workers/bosses.

      • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
        2 years ago

        Damn how do i become a mechanical insulator?

        Look for your local "heat and frost insulators" union. It's a fairly niche gig and you have to be willing to breathe in fibreglass all day but at least here there's a ton of demand for us

    • build_a_bear_group [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      As a lot of the electrical engineers I work with are just electricians with more schooling, I agree. Also, I will add younger welders == younger plumbers.