Welcome! Glad you decided to make an account! Welcome to the posting trenches!
Our queer community is my favorite queer community, and have helped me out with my identity as well!
The History of Sexuality is what he's best known for
he wrote some interesting albeit slightly idealist stuff about how power operates, but also he was kinda sus
so I thought I post
this is the best conclusion to arrive at
remember: semper post
Hi! (formerly lurked and now deciding to post a bit more as reddit is a complete shithole)
if you like ttrpgs/video games definitely check out Citizen Sleeper. really neat style and gets increasingly cozy as you progress which I think is unusual and cool
I'm not sure the name, but the ending given after completing the storylines added in later updates, and just becoming a resident of the eye for the remainder of your life. The first "ending" I got along with the achievement was choosing not to merge with the gardener program, which I think is called "Warmth and light"