As a basic timeline, in a megathread I asked @podking if the podcasts in the dump weren't vetted to include warnings for content not allowed on the site specifically transphobia, both hosts of the BAR pod are known transphobes and listed such on the transmap site listed as a resource on the transenby comm. They are transphobic, the podcast is transphobic, end of story with that. They responded and said "it’s lmaoooo apparently some of y’all need a trigger warning" and then I made a post in the transenby comm bringing this response to attention and people were not happy with their response, which resulted in the poddump thread being unpinned and locked.

I've noticed some users and some fresh accounts who probably just came here for the dump asking where it was. And it seems like @podking still has the ability to edit the locked post (or edited it shortly before it being locked, mods please let me know which) where they one included a link to what I assume is their site for the pod dump and also the navy seal copypasta which is weird wrecker behavior to do similar to their initial reply about the trigger warnings and some of their other since removed comments when confronted about it . I really think there's something not right about this. They're not banned (which they shouldn't be if they apologize to the trans community ), but still haven't apologized and are still sending script edits to the post ? @PorkrollPosadist @marxisthayaca if you have any more information about how the post is being edited / if podking reached out to you directly or something ...

If people are just gonna keep on complaining maybe it's best to pin something about it, include the link to his site and say we don't endorse it, idk (edit : there has been a temporary thread pinned that explains it so at least people will stop asking about it / can access the content)

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    Apologizing for posting a link to a transphobic podcast run by two infamous transphobes, then mocking people for "wanting trigger warnings because you dont agree with the podcast" and then explicitly denying that a statement like "Trans men should be referred to as female because they can give birth, only biological sex exists" is transphobic, and calling the people that uttered this statement centrists and denying that they are even transphobic.

    He has not responded to any community concerns since making and having these comments deleted by mods for transphobia. I'll be good faith here and assume you just didnt read what he wrote about the transphobic podcast.

    • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I thought the "trigger warning" remark was by the podcasters. I misinterpreted. That is not great. As for that being a centrist position in today's political climate, probably not. But the center in US is pretty damn reactionary. Dude writes anti-trans pieces for the atlantic, which is pretty centrist and pretty reactionary

    • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I thought I followed the context, and thank you catching me up. I appreciate you being good faith as I was trying to be with podking, but in the context you provided it seems I was being overly generous with them.

    • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The "blocked and reported" podcast is not in the week 17 torrent, the most recent one. It seems like podking did respond to the criticism by removing the criticized content.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        2 years ago

        Personally at least I think its bullshit to just quietly remove it and hope everyone forgets about the time he had a meltdown and started yelling ableist and transphobic shit at people for expressing inarguably reasonable concerns over sharing transphobic content.

        I think the mods are entirely correct in not just demanding that the content be removed but also that apologies be made for that kind of blowup.