I will never forgive myself for ever blaming "le dum dum rednecks" (despite being one myself) for the GOP's popularity.
This is the hog's main base. Car salesman, guys with decently sized boats, wealthy retirees, and the like: not a local farmer or your average Joe in Texas.
I feel like the Appalachians are basically one bad day away from engaging in a protracted people's war.
i've had a hypothesis for a while that when the American revolution comes it will initially look like and be reported as organized gang activity in West Virginia
Wtf even is a swimming pool salesman? That's something you gotta build. Like that's a mason a plumber and an electrician so wtf is a swimming pool salesman?
according to Aquamagazine pool salespeople aren't selling concrete or plumbing. They're selling a lifestyle, a getaway, visual beauty, and for some people, they're selling status.
"swimming pool salesman" sounds like that kind of a job from those bougie fuck hgtv shows
"My name is Amond Orangegrove, I own a company that puts refinish on Billy Big-Mouth Bass"
Same with Larry the cable guy, the efffort they put into looking poor is absurd, despite calling them losers.
I assume Hauk is his last name.....I further assume his full name is something like Blimford Worcestershire Hauk III
The whole "agrieved car video" thing is so weird. Like for fucks sake tack some fabric up on the wall and talk in to the camera like an adult.
They're out in the car to get away from The Wife. Can't have her or those kids wandering in during the middle of a truthstream.