I hate when people start sentences with "uh/um," and that goes both online and offline. If it's just a verbal tic, that's fine :obama-spike: , but I mean the "what I am about to say is smug and condescending and I need to pre-load my sense of superiority into it" version.

While I enjoy :dril: 's evergreen tweet about the idea, I absolutely hate the unironic application of "there is actually zero difference between good & bad things" when it is used as a serious arguing tactic, online or offline. It's actually baffling how often I've heard people argue like dril without being aware of how absurd it sounds.

Any/all misuse and misunderstanding of the idea of "bad apples." They. Spoil. Bunches. You. Bootlickers. :acab-2:

The laughing-while-crying emoji. It feels like a boomer cry for help, especially because it's used so often when they're mad about something and are trying to hide it behind infantile masking. That said, I love our agony emoji family. :agony-minion:

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Yelling. Whether yelling at children or another adult, it is absolutely unacceptable and if you do it you should not be allowed to exist in society.

    The only time yelling is acceptable is like, if someone is about to get hit by a car and don’t see it; Immediate danger where you need their attention immediately.

      • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
        2 years ago

        When I was 16 I was the lead in a musical at a community theater. Yelling at the people under you is absurdly common in theater, at all levels. A few days before opening night the stage manager threw a fit and yelled at the entire cast because she was mad that literal children couldn’t stay perfectly still and quiet for hours while lighting was being set up.

        I said something along the lines of “You don’t get to yell at me.” or similar and started to walk out of the building. Got the director and stage manager to apologize to the whole cast for their behavior and neither yelled again for the duration of that show. One of the proudest moments of my life, as silly as that is.