So I am an international student and have admits from XXXXXX(LA) as well as XXXXXX University for their MS in Computer Science programs. The tuition for both is almost the same which is why I am confused about which one to choose. Factors I'm looking at:

  • How easy it is to get my living expenses sorted: I've heard ISU has an ample amount of on campus jobs, but am unclear about XXX. If I'm gonna live in LA I'm sure there will be good amount of off-campus jobs but since it's illegal to work off campus on a student visa, I wanna know how risky would it be to do those jobs? I've seen many of my friends who have worked such jobs with no problems(atleast in IL and TX) but I don't know the ground situation in LA.
  • Job opportunities after graduation : How relevant is the location of the university in finding a job afterwards. I've heard that after Covid, job hunting has gone more online and location of your university doesn't matter much now. How true is that really? Does CA still have an edge over IND in finding a tech job after graduation?