I know this is an impossible question, the future is chaos, but we can at least identify and discuss some key factors.

When I say "successful leftist revolution" I mean one that happens soon enough to prevent, or have non-negligible odds of preventing, the collapse of human civilization as we know it due to climate change.

In all likelihood I think we're fucked as far as climate change is concerned, but we should still try to improve our odds. There's no prize for correctly predicting that we're fucked.

  • WahooManiac [he/him]
    4 years ago

    To put it short: Joe Biden winning devastates the left. If he wins, most libs will no longer give a shit about state violence against PoC, will no longer care about any kind of economic or healthcare reforms, and no longer care about our wars of empire happening around the globe (though they don't really care about this anyway). If he wins, we don't get to talk about M4A, $15 min wage, free college, reigning in the military-industrial complex, and so many other leftist policies for at least 8 years (maybe 16 if Harris runs after Biden, which she will).

    Edit: With "talk about" I mean in a mainstream way; of course we'll keep shitposting about these issues until we're hauled off to the camps.

    • kaka [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      Why would Joe Biden winning devestate the left?? Everyone on the left knows that electoralism and the DNC suck. Bernie grew strong under obama.

      • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Some people are so wrapped up in justifying their votes/non-votes that they ignore history.

      • WahooManiac [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I'm not denying that the left is in one of the best positions it's been in for years. However, I think a lot of these ideas we're championing got a lot of headway with mainstream libs because of Trump, or, rather, as a reaction against Trump and an increasingly deranged capitalist class. Will these libs still care about these issues once another corporate Dem takes office? I'm inclined to think not because history shows libs don't hold their own accountable, especially the corporate wing. I hope I'm wrong, honest.

      • WahooManiac [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Everyone knows ghouls feast off of decaying corpses, and there will be plenty once he nukes SS and Medicare.