[Chapo Chat claims to be Marxist yet doesn't have a science sub, and it seems none of the radlibs have requested one. Please agitate and give the mods a reason to create a place for materialists. https://hexbear.net/c/commrequest]

At least 20 million people are at risk of losing their food supplies and livelihoods,

The researchers also discovered that when just four or five locusts congregate, they start to produce 4VA, which then attracts others to create a swarm

swarm praxis

Major locust upsurges happen infrequently — the last event was 15 years ago — and so national and international funders have not prioritized such research. That is one reason countries have not been prepared for attacks: locust surveillance, including in-country research, has been weakened by years of under-funding.

Capitalism is so efficient that its leaders can't remember apocalyptic hellworld events that happened 15 years ago.