Looking to watch some good documentaries. If political/history then documentaries that have at least a little leftist analysis of the subject would be great.

  • mao_zedonk [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Concerning Violence: 9 Scenes From the Anti-imperialistic Self-Defence is a great meditation on the Frantz Fanon essay On Violence. It's a series of vignettes of really interesting footage of different anti-colonial movements in the 60s and 70s, while Lauryn Hill reads you Fanon. You can tell your friends you read theory after watching this one.

    I saw someone already mentioned this one, but The Act of Killing is a must watch companion film to reading The Jakarta Method. It's a tough watch about the Indonesian genocide of half a million leftists, but the angle the director takes is really interesting and valuable. I haven't seen the sequel yet but want to

    Let the Fire Burn is a great doc about the Philadelphia police bombing of the MOVE commune in 1985.