• ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The crew arrived on the ISS on April 9, packing an impressive experimental payload with them that included experiments on holoportation, human cells, and high-precision optical lenses. But being that it was their first time in space, and that they are neither professional astronauts nor researchers, some of the experiments ended up taking quite a lot longer than anticipated. One experiment that was meant to take just two and a half hours based on pre-flight training ended up occupying double that amount of time, according to entrepreneur and investor Larry Connor, who was a member of the Ax-1 mission.

    I thought the way to get rich was to rise and grind, but you're telling me that these rich people only have experience in throwing their money around and making others grind for them?

      • CTHlurker [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Rich people tend to have wild overestimations of their own abilities, and the agency in charge of the space mission presumably wanted to maximize the amount of experiments that could be run, since spaceflight is pretty ressource intensive, so I imagine that they just asked him if he could / wanted to, and the dumbass went "yeah I could do that".