Lmao western politics are a joke

  • Circra [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Musk really has been an amazing car crash to watch. I remember back when he first really appeared on the scene his entire propoganda publicity blitz really did hook a lot of people in. Few of my mates for instance fell for it, and watching them slowly realise he's basically a snake oil salesman and a shitty human being.

    I think what he is basically doing has far less to do with his own interests as a billionaire and far more to do with being a narcassistic piece of shit who absolutely needs people to lick his boots and tounge his arsehole. Not that there isn't a tonne of overlap of course cos that sums up most billionaires.

    He's gunning for the fascist and diet fascist fanbase in part I think cos he knows his absolute car crash of an existence is basically alienating anyone without near terminal brainworms. I mean there really is no good way to spin stuff like begging for a wank from a stewerdess like a creepy cokehead in a shitty bar. About all he has left is the fascisty/creepy incel contingent who will buy the whole 'victim of cancel culture/metoo' crap.