• CrimsonSage [any]
    2 years ago

    Why cant these spree killers kill someone who deserves it for once? Why is it always kids and random people being people?

    • Quaxamilliom [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      There were exactly two shooters I can think of off the top of my head who did this, the congressmen palying baseball shooting, and Micah Xavier in Dallas (i think?) who culled pigs (1 of the 4 or 5 who was killed was even an out and proud nazi with white power shit all over his social media lmao)

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        They used a drone loaded with C4 to kill the Dallas shooter. That's one of the things that stood out to me. The first time I'm aware of that a drone strike was ordered against a US citizen on US soil.

        • blobjim [he/him]
          2 years ago

          That's not a "drone strike". Those quadcopter things have definitely been used before in the US.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            2 years ago

            that is very literally a strike with an armed drone, and no, drones armed with explosives had not previously been used to kill people in the US. I will allow the possibility that there may have been uses of gun equipped drones that I am not familiar with, but I would need to see evidence of the use of a drone armed with explosives.

      • CrimsonSage [any]
        2 years ago

        "congressmen palying baseball" Hence the nym of our lovely fellow poster here.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      My take is extreme social alienation and extreme depoliticization in an individual who is a fucking asshole. They don't have any class consciousness and don't view themselves as part of an oppressed class. Or, if they do, it's something like 4chan or incel culture that's extremely individualist and extremely negative-nihilistic. Some may consider themselves part of an oppressed white, christian class, but that's generally not the ones who shoot up schools.

      So you've got these individuals. They don't see themselves as anything but an individual, alone in the universe. Their outlook on the world is extreme hopelessness and negative-nihilism. Black-pill doomer brain.

      They recognize that there is a society which they feel excluded from, and they resent that society for excluding them.

      They don't recognize any political or class structures - They don't have any understanding of who actually oppresses them and why they are oppressed.

      So when they finally decide to attack society in retribution for their perceived exclusion and oppression, instead of targeting cops or CEOs or politicians, they choose a target that they think will inflict maximum harm and terror on society; They go after kids.

      If you think society has done you wrong and you're so blackpilled and alienated from humanity that all you want to do is cause the maximum amount of harm possible, the easiest target is a school full of children. You don't need a complex and difficult to assemble bomb, you don't need access to any controlled spaces, you don't need to fight the cops. Schools are soft targets that are effectively impossible to defend.

      I would imagine that the same general logic applies to people who used to shoot up malls - It's a soft target and a symbol of the society they think has scorned them. Workplace shooters are similar, but they've got some conception that wage labor is what dehumanizes and oppresses them.

      And of course for any of this to happen you need to start with someone who is a complete asshole, who when faced with a situation where they are motivated to end their life decides that they want to hurt other people on the way out.

      I prefer this explanation because it assumes a reasonably rational actor making rational decisions. Their actions are the result of ignorance and a personal failure of morality. It's not the actions of a mentally ill person suffering from delusions (though those do happen). It's not "impossible to explain". You can go through every step and understand what kind of thinking would lead someone to this conclusion.

      Because it has an explanation it has a solution. These things aren't impossible to stop; This kind of shit doesn't happen in countries that don't have a strong culture around using firearms to redress personal grievances, and they generally don't happen in countries that have strong social integration. They don't happen in countries where the political system offers a realistic chance of redressing the grievances of the population.

      non-politically motivated, non-religiously motivated Spree killings in America happen when people who are cruel enough to take revenge for perceived slights reach a state of such black-pilled nihilistic hopelessness that they decide to take revenge in such a way to cause maximal harm. People who don't have the capacity for that kind of cruelty just commit suicide, or commit suicide by cop. People who do have that capacity for cruelty in other countries 1.) don't have access to firearms 2.) don't have access to black-pill culture 3.) aren't oppressed to such extremes that they identify the whole of society as their enemy.

      Either way, that's my take. I'm not an academic expert, just an amateur observer.

      • CrimsonSage [any]
        2 years ago

        That actually makes a lot of sense and is a super good perspective on it.

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      I genuinely don’t get it. Why are there no spree shootings at country clubs? Finance offices? Health insurance HQs?

      I wouldn’t be nearly as upset about a United Healthcare board room being shot up.