what in the fuck

  • Tormato [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Have even noticed that whenever walking by the local precinct there have been metal barriers in front and what looks like one of the flunkies given the embarrassing job of being some kind of sentry. What a bunch of overgrown children playing in their little fort. The top brass who make all these insufferable and corrosive decisions all feel they have to uphold worse and worse tactics/shows of force out of fear of being seen by both their peers and RW supporters as being “soft on crime,” a downward spiraling self-fulfilling prophecy of more and more damage to the public while remaining in the good graces of their 1% masters.

    Since the sleazeball, 80’s goon, Real Estate swindler became Prez (and the RW media attacks on Colin Kaepernick) there’s been a noticeable uptick around NYC of Blue Lives Matter flags and decals on cars, as well as flags on houses/on street lampposts.

    Makes me seethe. Straight-up Proud Fascists. I fantasize about torching a few on the lampposts. But usually only manage to take the really big Sharpie to their bumper stickers to clarify that they’re actually “fascists.”

    The fact remains though that most citizens not only fear and distrust the police but actually loathe them.

    • aFairlyLargeCat [he/him]
      2 years ago

      take the really big Sharpie to their bumper stickers

      I mean, if you're already fucking with them and there's nobody to see you might as well just key the car and cost them some money.

  • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
    2 years ago

    wow. The vast majority of the NYPD called out of work for a funeral and the city DIDN'T explode into turbo crime anarchy? It's almost as if no one needs cops to hold society together

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    2 years ago

    "uhh yes Mr. Putin, I have the coordinates for your kalibr cruise missile strike right here" :putin-wink: