Apparently not changing moral stances in private vs in public makes us unable to understand personal gain. Some real Ayn Rand shit.

  • oopsydazey [he/him, love/loves]
    2 years ago

    these assholes are really like wow! how can we make autistic tendencies to uphold their morality regardless of social pressure a bad thing? slap dysfunctional abnormality on that I guess. the framing of this paper is horrendous. they took a really cool study and warped it to push their biases that autistics are inherently impaired. allistics really can't help themselves.

    also the wording of calling the allistic participants in the study "healthy controls" as opposed to the "obviously diseased" autistic participants is big gross.

    • DinosaurThussy [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Yes yes yes

      It’s actually an interesting result and even seems to, from a neurological perspective, be sound. It’s “the worst guy you know just made a great point” for an entire paper

      • oopsydazey [he/him, love/loves]
        2 years ago

        someone responded to the article criticizing its framing and made this amazing statement

        I suspect a better frame through which to present the authors' data would be "Right temporoparietal junction underlies pervasive moral inconsistency in Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder".

        I'm obsessed

    • tagen
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator