oopsydazey [he/him, love/loves]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2021


  • really enjoyed Disenchanted if you wanna give that a go, the songs were meh but honestly such a fun movie (although it's a bit long, I watched it in two sittings and found that worked well). I'd also recommend Nezha or The Sea Beast if you want something animated.

  • oopsydazey [he/him, love/loves]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Yeah I hated that moment, it broke my immersion. Everything feels so different from the previous game. The story is moving too fast and they're really dropping the ball with making Odin and co. seem even remotely intimidating, especially when they built them up so much. Everything the first game was leading up to feels very cheapened. Also the combat feels weak compared to how weighted it was in God of War 4.

    Still gonna play but I'm honestly disappointed with the direction they took. God of War 4 is one of my favorite games.

  • oopsydazey [he/him, love/loves]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    my chess strategy is having no strategy and simply just reacting to what my opponent does.

    sometimes I win and sometimes I don't but I have fun either way. watching chess tournament games are wild though they play so fast, if i ever had to play chess with a timer my brain would simply short-circuit.

  • you are absolutely not being unkind or uncaring at all, quite the opposite really. you're just trying to keep everyone at the events and yourself safe. being masked for others safety is literally the least people can do.

    stick to your gut, I'm sure you can refer the old lady to other events/groups in the area that she can parade around maskless at so she doesn't get too lonely. but all in all, you aren't resposible for her if shes not following your groups rules. honestly I would feel much safer attending events myself if they had a strict vaccine and mask policy, but nowadays with the mask mandate gone I'm just perpetually stuck at home I s'pose. what you're doing is great and accessible to those that don't want to get sick.

  • these assholes are really like wow! how can we make autistic tendencies to uphold their morality regardless of social pressure a bad thing? slap dysfunctional abnormality on that I guess. the framing of this paper is horrendous. they took a really cool study and warped it to push their biases that autistics are inherently impaired. allistics really can't help themselves.

    also the wording of calling the allistic participants in the study "healthy controls" as opposed to the "obviously diseased" autistic participants is big gross.

  • the prioritizing autonomy thing is absolute bullshit, I'm still astounded that's the leading argument for those supporting this. there's no choice here. this is canadas "oh so polite" way of framing blatant eugenics by imposing horrible conditions on poor and disabled people and saying it's their choice if they want to die because of it. it's just so much easier to coerce them into being killed than actually providing services and aid that would improve their quality of life. like this shit is so fucking insidious.

    the autonomy argument just gets me cause its like, oh you want to take away a disabled persons ability and right to choose?? like fuck off you are not advocating for their autonomy, you want them to choose to die so your hands feel more clean when you kill them. I'm so tired and upset about the lives bill c-7 will take.

  • yeah I've found it's just so incredibly hard to make any lasting friendships since graduating highschool (and by extension of that, since being a kid). it's difficult to make friends and meet people in person unless you're being made to meet with a group on a daily or at least semi regular basis. which really sucks since I don't really go anywhere anymore. I find that anytime I speak to an acquaintance/stranger its only a superficial or transactional exchange, a very lonely culture to exist in.

    I do love the friends I made in online spaces though, I feel more genuine connection in my interactions with them with those superficial and transactional elements less present. but I just wish there weren't so many barriers to meeting people and developing friendships in person.