Fuck him and fuck 'authoritarianism' we already live under an authoritarian state, why would one by the actual people be worse? And fuck it being used as a reason for the expansion of us hegemony.

  • gammison [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    People also tend to overlook the fact that when he wrote that snitch list, he was severely mentally ill in a sanitarium suffering from Tuberculosis and was somewhat delusional about the labor government.

    As Marxist Historian John Newsinger wrote, "A terrible mistake on his part, deriving in equal measure from his hostility to Stalinism and his illusions in the Labour government. What it certainly does not amount to, however, is an abandonment of the socialist cause or transformation into a footsoldier in the Cold War. Indeed, Orwell made clear on a number of occasions his opposition to any British McCarthyism, to any bans and proscriptions on Communist Party members (they certainly did not reciprocate this) and any notion of a preventive war. If he had lived long enough to realise what the IRD was actually about there can be no doubt that he would have broken with it"