That's it that's the post. I feel like I've basically run out of anime to watch that isn't either slice of life, isekai, or something that will emotionally break me. I watched one series of fate like maybe 15 years ago and can't remember anything about it. I just know there's a lot of it and that's basically it's only appeal to me right now. Something I can watch for a few months.

Is there something else that is long that I should go watch instead or is Fate worth watching.

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    I'm willing to shill for Fate/Zero only, I think Fate/Zero is by far the best and honestly works realy well even as a completely self-contained stand alone anime, you could watch that and get the entire fate "experience".

    The newest UBW series and the movies its up to you. If you enjoy Fate/Zero you'll enjoy these too, if not then maybe its not for you. Here is my mini-F/Z review.

    Positive points In general personaly I think male characters tend to be more hit/miss and F/Z fortunately got them right. Considering only what we get to see on the screen

    -Rider is literaly The Gigachad, if you could describe a character that could have inspired the meme. Also you need to look past the superficial presentation and appreciate the romance unironically.

    -Gilgamesh is terribly annoying but it is funny how the world acknowledges his personality flaw as a "weakness" even though he is OP. Also without spoiling, the one time we get to see him fight "seriously" the show delivers it but not in the way you'd expect.

    -Kiritsugu vs Kirei is actualy one of the most well done in any anime period. The conflict isn't just moral, but a fundamental ideological outlook at the world. At the same time both are willing to do whatever it takes to "win". Kirei's VA got a huge boost from that role and it is clear why.

    Other positives

    -Great production value, It still looks amazing for 2011.

    -Great OST by Yuki Kajiura one of the goats.

    About the female characters:

    Minor Saber spoiler

    Saber going around in a suit escorting Irisviel is funny and great character design for both.

    -Kiritsugu is dishonest and a cheater. There are excuses, but whether you accept those in hindsight its up to you.

    -Kiritsugu's backstory is moraly questionable.

    Negative points:


    There are 2 separate plot points bout child violence. One of those is part of the origin story for a future character, the other is one of the villains.

    -There is no reason why its divided into two cours, it clearly is just a single 24 season.

    -I wont spoil the ending, but it is simultaniously a "tragedy" but also the most reddit bro argument given as a reason. The first one is a major spoiler about the literal reason for the ending and the real purpose of the Holy Grail.

    But there is always another "reason" people used to give to justify why the MC was wrong so kind of spoilerish


    It is not logical, it is the 14yo's version of a phylosophical "gotcha", I mean literally I remember reading some of the reddit arguments about it way back then. The real reason the ending has to be that way is because this is a prequel that needs to fit a very specific character origin story.

    The bright side is this is why you should start with F/Z and it wont affect you at all, except the 4chan/reddit bro logic part I guess.

    Overall I still rate it like 9 maybe 9.5/10 adjusting for the fact its 13 years old now and I would recommend before any other Fate season. It is fun and it is good looking, it is broadly SFW. The best comparison would be AoT Season 1-2.