What would a just legal system even look like in a socialist society? It seems like the legal system under capitalism still holds on to a lot of weird feudal stuff, so it’s kind of hard for me to get my head around what would come after this, if we completely destroyed the bourgeois legal system.

I have no education in law and it all seems intentionally opaque, so I feel like I can’t even begin to imagine an alternative.

  • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I have no concrete suggestions, but we have to do away with the idea that the law is an impartial arbiter that removes bias, subjective judgements, despotism, or introduces "fairness" into society.

    Law will probably always suck, which is why it's better to fix systemic problems than deal with their symptoms.

    It would have to be some kind of worker's council based system. Kind of a glorified jury. Loosely following written laws but making their own judgments, subject to the appeal of larger representative bodies or direct citizen intervention if it really seems like they fucked things up.

    I also think that riots and violent protest will still have a place in socialist society. Expressing dissatisfaction with the system through conflict shouldn't be inherently seen as serving reaction just because we won. We'll still fuck things up and need course correction, which no system can fully account for.