I feel like it really captures the hell of being in a tin can going in a line while planes and flak riddle you. The dichotomy between days of peace with the chance to flirt and drink interspersed with sheer terror, freezing cold, a screaming man in the ball turret.

The bombing campaign was no walk in the park and the boys who blew up the factories of the German war machine were certainly brave as fuck.

  • Weedian [he/him]
    4 months ago

    the fact they had around a 50% survival rate and the air crews kept complaining about how the higher ups dont care if they all die was so parenti especially when if you pause the screen theres a newspaper clipping that basically says soviet hordes throw themselves at germans



    • GinAndJuche
      4 months ago

      What did Parenti say about war costs? I’m only familiar with his anti imperialism stuff.

      I’ll need to rearch to find the clipping, that sounds like a nice ironic moment to screen cap

      • Weedian [he/him]
        4 months ago

        THEIR suicidal attacks, OUR brave self sacrificial heroes

        • GinAndJuche
          4 months ago

          Gotcha, didn’t realize he originated that as well.

          In a sense, war is all about acceptable losses to achieve the objective. You can rarely at most take/destroy a contested objective without losses, it’s about managing the losses so it’s a net gain on the larger board. People are going to die, just minimize it when able (if it’s worth it).

          The raid in (episode 3/4 I think) where they decide to not call off the bombing run after the fog prevents the escort is a good example of this. They got sacrificed. It was the right call if it led to the ball bearing factory being destroyed.

          The propaganda comes into play where “we couldn’t have known/they bravely knew and chose to fly/ect” vs uncaring command/cruel calculus/ ect

          War doesn’t care about language, that’s how they are won.

    • GinAndJuche
      4 months ago

      It kills me how a modern recreation is hundreds of dollars.

      For the time the bombings were accurate as fuck, but as a character said (paraphrased) it lands on germany who gives a fuck”

  • Snackuleata [any]
    4 months ago

    I'm enjoying it. It really does show how terrifying being in a bomber must've been. Though in the back of my mind I can't help but feel people will walk away thinking this is still what war is like. Lord knows how many redditors still bring up WWII as evidence we can totally take on China.

    • GinAndJuche
      4 months ago

      I didn’t consider that, I’ll <redacted> with nice sharp <redacted> into the <redacted> of anyone who claims that the brave Israelis are risking death in their genocide jets. I can see the shitty takes already, a vision of tweets yet to be

        • GinAndJuche
          4 months ago

          Damn, and here I am thinking he’s hot lol. Different strokes

          Do you mind if I ask how a face can be upsetting. Like I’ve seen ugly before, but I’ve never been viscerally upset by a face before assuming it’s intact.

          • Futterbinger [he/him, they/them]
            4 months ago

            I don't know really, He just has a super annoying looking face. It didn't help that the first time I saw his face it was in a promo for that baz lurman Elvis movie.