“What good is it to go out there and do it? It isn’t going to make any difference.”

  • fojazone [any]
    4 years ago

    The comments on the article are really something too. Especially the Dem loyalist in there talking about how much hard electoral work things take and that the people in the article just don't understand the process of change. It's hilarious because all those news stories about how Pete Buttigieg neglected and destroyed his community are the norm for dems. They don't work hard, they barely show up for anything and people know it. I've seen my dem mayor maybe twice over the last 5 years and both times he was being protested for being a do nothing piece of shit. Our dem house rep also basically told the local orgs to fuck off when asked to help with any of the police reform issues. They do the bare minimum to get the local news headline and then they leave. All ideological differences aside I would not vote for them on this basis alone.