woman fights cops to save her family
Liberal: omg just like my favorite fascist stooge letting his people die so he doesn't look weak.
really excited to see the next episode of 'kids getting murdered at schools', the last episode had such cool characters!
Heartbreaking because I love that picture of B*rnie getting arrested and I would be inspired if this woman marched around speaking on revolutionary politics.
Zelenskyy would have militarized the children and told them to fight it out against the shooter
no no no Zelensky would have incorporated the shooter in the army and ignored it when he went on to shoot up even more schools
she doesnt quite have the same courage as zelensky, she isnt a leader of a country yet, after all
Ur right, she has more courage. No army to back her.
no i meant less
Let’s do H3H3 frenemies but with Roosevelt and Hitler :so-true:
Stalin instead of Hitler? Wtf, too far, he’s 1984 authoritarian! why would you even suggest that?! :wojak-nooo: