Personally, I was a left liberal for all my life, but had kinda looked into the abyss of anti-sjw and gamergate stuff, like watching Sargon and Bearing, but hadn't really subscribed to their beliefs, more putting them on as background chatter.

Things changed when I read manufacturing consent, listened to Chomsky and found Chapo at around the end of 2018, at which point I found myself as more an ancom, but Chomsky's talking points on Leninism and the USSR was never as cogent and didn't make as much sense as his other points, so I held skepticism about my beliefs then.

Reading more on theory and history, and looking more into different left tendencies via channels like Rev Left moved me over to be a Marxist, as it made the most sense to me in explaining the current and historical situation. Currently making my way through Lenin and looking more into historical ML states and I've found that I'm pretty comfortable as just a Marxist with ML tendencies rn.

  • straightmer [he/him]
    4 years ago

    was gamergater, thought it was kinda weird people were talking about feminism and not games journalism so i left that crowd, drifted for a few years until the 2016 elections picked up, thought trump was gonna get slapped, i got slapped instead, became a "big if true" poster on r/politics, found some insightfulish anti-right but also anti-lib posters on r/politics, checked their accounts to see if they were r/t-d posters and found r/chapotraphouse, and from there it was inevitable.