There is something incredibly perverse and funny seeing the pronounjak crowd appropriate left-wing activist language and slogans and applying them to their culture war talking point du jour


If you have don't have any clue what this word salad is, Sweet Baby inc is some video game story consultancy firm that gamers have decided is reaponsible for making every character gay, trans and ugly. Someone started a curated Steam collection for games they've worked on so freeze-gamers can boycott them

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    7 months ago

    ¿Por qué no ambos?

    They're conservative Christians (and "atheists" who've never reexamined their own protestant assumptions), angry that it's not socially acceptable to treat women as things and even more angry that the popular escapist toys don't pander to their desire to treat women as things in fictional spaces.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      It's just funny that the people who campaigned against Dungeons & Dragons, heavy metal, horror movies and pornography AND the nerds who liked those things are now in the same camp politically