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    • homhom9000 [she/her]
      4 months ago

      I've seen discourse that restaurants are bourgeois and shouldn't exist. I can see it from a COVID standpoint but beyond that I like restaurants.

      • Tunnelvision [they/them]
        4 months ago

        I firmly believe that is from people who work in food service who understandably have had horrible experiences at work, but who also assume the abuse they’ve received would continue to exist after the revolution. Alternatively it’s also from people who had to deal with abuse, but also aren’t really cut out for food service that unfortunately have been pushed into the roll for various reasons (mainly because capitalism is horrible at allocating people’s skills to jobs they would actually be good at/enjoy)

        • homhom9000 [she/her]
          4 months ago

          Yes, hopefully with the capitalist motive removed, the abuse and exploitation will go with it. Or all restaurants become super small worker owned co-ops of people who love cooking, serving, and cleaning. Either way, I think there can be a no exploitative way to serve people food in a social setting.

      • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I’ve had controversial takes about restaurants in the past. Currently I’m in a “restaurants should be more akin to cafeterias” phase, would love to hear criticism of this though. My thinking is that cafeterias are good for workers, it would cut down on food waste (but of course not eliminate it) and be easier on food service workers.

        • tombruzzo [none/use name]
          4 months ago

          Conquest Of Bread has a section on communal kitchens and it's based as fuck. Not only does it fix restaurants, but also the whole 'cook for two hours to eat in ten minutes' problem

      • peppersky [he/him, any]
        4 months ago

        having waiters and servers whose sole job is to take your order and walk from the kitchen to your table so you don't have to move your lazy ass and can roleplay what it is like to have a personal servant is obviously bourgeois bullshit. under communism if you want a beer at a restaurant you'll just walk your ass to the fridge yourself.

        i don't fucking get how people can be commies and then not have the slightest bit of creativity to imagine a world that might look and work slightly different from our own.