First, it started with people saying cis women getting breast implants was gender-affirming surgery and at least that kinda made sense on the very surface level. Now people are claiming all plastic surgeries are gender-affirming which made me check whether this was some orchestrated trolling effort. Doesn't seem like it.

Here's the tweet .

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    i mean yeah it is weird that its a hair thing because that is an ostensibly male trait, but you could maybe make the argument that its a 'type' of male that some dont want to be

    it is possible for cis people to experience gender dysphoria. go look at male cancer patient forums where they have to take spironolactone for cancer reasons, for instance. guys get really upset when they grow breast tissue.

    women get breast implants and fat transfers all the time which is arguably a gender affirming surgery.

    when you think of things this way, you start to wonder what should be covered insurance wise. i'd say anything that causes clinical distress and can actually be treated would be the criteria. and one surgery per thing to get fixed (re: you cant do 3 boob jobs or face surgeries, as that indicates a completely different problem going on, but revisions to fix complications are fine). things like extreme cases of hirsutism and PCOS should absolutely be covered under the same benefits trans people receive, imo. i could see some arguments against certain procedures that could be socially influenced (re: hair recession or boob jobs) not being covered but there are plenty of cases where it absolutely makes sense to cover it (trans women that didnt grow any breasts, cis women that have cancer having mastectomies)