Touch some grass dude, humans flirting with each other in public has been happening literally forever. “Oh let’s give control one of the most basic core human activities over entirely to a handful of dating app corporations” my man, go outside

  • HodgePodge [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    My morning adderal kicked in and I wrote an effort post I'm going to repost as a top level comment.

    Can you explain what metoo ideology is because everyone else seems to know already, but “the logical outcome of metoo means no flirting ever” sounds like a right wing persecution fantasy.

    This is not what women are saying, but the persecution feelings being projected onto a right wing figure are accurate, so lets talk about that.

    What Metoo Meant To Me

    Metoo was, to me, about women naming the bullshit, aggression, and fear we deal with thousands of times a day. It resulted in a small handful of the worst perpetrators of this predation being removed from positions of power. Most of the worst predators are still in power.

    The vast majority of men were not even affected materially as a part of this movement. If women "canceled" every man who was ever sexist or made them uncomfortable... there wouldn't be a lot of men left. Women understand this. We pick our battles. We are extremely good at threat assessment because we have to be.

    It's hard to talk about this as a femme without shifting back to defensive and protective language. We have to do it for survival. It's not because I hate men, however. I love men and want them to be free of patriarchy too.

    Some Reasons Why Women Don't Like Being Hit On

    Women have the right to bodily autonomy. The patriarchy pushes the idea that women and non-men are objects that can be "claimed" or "won" by "deserving" men.

    This and a host of other misogynistic issues results in men generally being raised with the idea that they have a right to women's bodies, time, and attention. It also creates cognitive dissonance because most men understand this is gross and makes zero fucking sense.

    Because of the above issue and other systemic misogyny, women and non-men are hit on and harassed constantly throughout every day. Every day. It is not a compliment like it might be for a man because sitting right behind the act of being flirted with by a stranger is the potential threat of violence.

    Men are typically not raised to handle rejection well. They are also typically taught to respond with anger or even violence to negative emotions.

    This creates a dynamic where women who are harassed publicly are expected to "politely let a guy down" who is harassing them.

    Look at this thread for tons of examples of those entitlement and "anger towards even hypothetical rejection" brainworms firing off even in good people who are leftist.

    The dude in this video articulates his ideas like shit and is cringey. That doesn't particularly matter however because he could phrase it perfectly and many men would still likely disregard his opinion.

    The sad thing is it doesn't have to be this way. Men are not inherently dangerous or predatory. Patriarchy is systemic and we all have degrees of it internalized. Literally all of us.

    Feminism is critical for total liberation. Patriarchy is a horrorifying weight on everyone, including men. The frustration and alienation it builds in society cannot be understated.

    As an aside, notice how even the language of "hitting on" a woman is based in physical violence.

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      Very good effortpost comrade, thank you for this. My main question is what do we do about that? How do we implement these ideas into how we interact personally and as a society? Because like you said “”the logical outcome of metoo means no flirting ever” sounds like a right wing persecution fantasy“ and obviously can’t and shouldn’t be the answer. Obviously you are not required to have the answer to that I’m just curious if you have any thoughts

      • kristina [she/her]
        2 years ago

        My main question is what do we do about that?

        no clue but i think having a surface-to-surface missile cannon imbedded in my forearm at all times would be pretty helpful :samus:

        real solution is let the women initiate in straight relationships :shrug-outta-hecks: men ive initiated on seemed genuinely happy and into it and i cannot say the same for all the guys that initiate with me, in fact i detest it

        • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
          2 years ago

          That sounds like a decent idea in theory, but in practice, it's not a great solution. Like it or not, we still live in a patriarchal world, and men are still expected to initiate in hetero relationships, and the vast majority of hetero women aren't lining up to change this particular gender role.

          • Socialcreditscorr [they/them,she/her]
            2 years ago

            and the vast majority of hetero women aren’t lining up to change this particular gender role.

            Somehow its women's fault for not freeing themselves single handedly from this gender role while men are still actively maintaining this gender role.

            "Nice plan, but the patriarchy exists didn't think about that huh." :very-intelligent:

      • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
        2 years ago

        if i asked you what i should personally do about imperialism, you'd tell me to join a party and get organised.

        for feminism im telling you to join a party and get organised. feminism is a political programme. read the theory, discuss with comrades, implement the praxis.

        want a world where femmes aren't gonna feel threatened by you? we gotta make it so, together :solidarity: