And america failed.

I know so many people who are still throwing baby showers, traveling for leisure, and carrying on as usual. and these are generic libs in a lib city. Chatting at restaurants with masks off, putting their mouths all over dishes that some server has to carry, and a dishwasher has to clean.

On an interpersonal, economic, and governmental level, we are a failed state.

  • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]M
    4 years ago

    Coronavirus was a test of the nation's ability to respond to unforeseen challenges.

    And it succeeded.

    In the face of an easily spreadable disease, the Capitalist ruling class was able to obfuscate the choices into "work and die" or "Stay home and die". The working class continues to stay divided between workers, who are now resentful of each other. Essential workers think that office drone workers have it easy. Office Drone workers have faced domestic challenges, including their loss of child care network, and sometimes their partner's income.

    Instead of banding together as a class, they have continued to demand recuperation to individual corporations and take aim at the government. Those that do are few and far between. The government in its continued operation as a settler-colonial white supremacist state has managed to keep most of the deaths to Latino, Indigenous, and Black Americans. Which in our own understanding and theirs, fall as nominal second class citizens of little value.