• FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
    4 months ago

    I feel like space and terraforming have gotten a bad wrap since their primary purpose seems to be to provide a false solution to climate change.

    But, if we did manage to "win" at existing on Earth, we could still get completely wrecked by asteroids, super-volcanos, etc. So some sort of non-terrestrial proliferation of DNA-based life seems like a solid investment. So:

    Short-term: space elevator
    Long-term: warp drive or some way to bypass speed of light limitations

    Or at the very least, give up our anthropocentric biases and rig up a mass Tardigrade or Fungal Spore Yeeter to do our part for Panspermia

    • Wheaties [comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      Eon-term: gently nudging the sun's orbit through the galactic disc so that in the unthinkably distant future we can make our liquid water zone do a kissy with a red dwarf's liquid water zone, handing off the earth to something with a real lifespan.

      edit: we probably want to take Jupiter with us if it hasn't already got a gas giant to herd away the asteroids.