It also includes language that suggests this is a pretext to start actual serious conversations about secession.

...I'm genuinely concerned about my future in this state comrades.

Edit: i've lived in Texas the majority of my life so I am fully aware that republican idiots talk about about secession ever other day or more and have as long as I've been alive. But as far as I'm aware this hasn't been in their official platform and the fact that this is combined with their statement on Biden tells me this is a measure or two more serious than idiot tough guy talk.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Also Texans have been threatening to succeed

    They've been threatening to criminalize abortion too and that's about to happen.

    • WindowSicko [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Yes for like one hundred years, also do you think is going to fight the ensuing civil war. You think Joe is going to roll over and say, ah shucks, I'll guess I'll let this state that has all these energy companies, our space mission control, and probably at least a few dozen nukes along the Houston Ship channel become it's own nation. No, they are gonna bitch about it, how Texas was much better as a sovereign slave state and ignoring that the republic of Texas was so thoroughly run into the ground, that it was on it's third attempt at a currency by the time and was only accepted in for Slavers to have another slave state.

      They are gonna do what every politician does, complain about everything and do the most heinous shit and enjoy the unfettered access to the bounty that empire grants them. They will continue to chip away at what is legally a human until we are back at the original definition of who could vote, a rich white landowner, who everyone in the power pretty much is.