It's on YouTube in French here:

And English (& Spanish, Portuguese, & Gallician) subtitles are available here:

Don't know if there's a way to insert subs onto YT, I DLed it from YT and watched the subs and video file on VLC. I really like the way it shows it from the people's POV although I still had dumbass family members watching it trying to mash it into their authoritarian mindset of asking out loud "well they musta' did somethin' wrong if the police are looking for them" and similar idiot sentiments. They ignored the intentionally ironic Pierre Trudeau quote at the beginning about how people's rights depend on each other defending them and those who don't defend them serve as their oppressors too, and then he utilizes the Wartime Measures Act to do imprison and torture a bunch of people without warrant, trial, conviction, or evidence for up to a month.

Edit: Most harrowing part is how easily and quickly the mask of rights in liberal society can/will slip and the rest of the world will continue while you're in your own personal hell.