As far as I can tell the message of the movie is "consumerism is bad because it's emasculating and feminizing, real liberation can be found in ruthless hierarchies of masculine violence"

The only person I know who likes it IRL also has a tendency to complain about the "pussification of modern men"

  • Lilith [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Nihilists are some of the most boring people I’ve ever met. It’s like “okay i get it, you believe in nothing, what’s your credit card number again? okay thanks, yeah the trust fund life is hard i know”

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It has many facets, few of them bearable to me. I can get the Camus take of "life is absurd, try to imagine Sisyphus happy, no purpose means we're free to find one" but most of it is some variety of reductionist tryharding, like "we are all just apes/meat computers so we should do lots of (drug) and stop caring about anything, except maybe being very mad at anyone who still cares about anything."

      • Lilith [she/her]
        2 years ago

        tryhard is a perf definition. it’s baby’s first ideology and pretty much the only people I see into it are extremely privileged, so almost universally boring

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          2 years ago

          There seems to be some overlap between comfort/privilege lifestyles and being bored/apathetic enough to want to make that apathy into not just their own lifestyle, but everyone's lifestyle, usually by way of caring very much about making sure that no one cares about anything.

          • Lilith [she/her]
            2 years ago

            if you believe nothing matters, then all the stolen wealth you inherited is okay

            “fReE WiLL iS aN iLluSiOn” is such a perf screening statement for guys to avoid at a party 10/10 chance they’re a predator

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              2 years ago

              It's a pretty popular reductionist thing, and I've long maintained that regardless of whether consciousness is an "illusion" or whatever, the first thing we experience when we wake up is that "illusion," and even so-called objective experiences after that have to be seen, by living beings, through that subjective experience first.

              I've also noticed after decades of argument and debate that the self-described hard determinists I've run into have absolutely ghoulish dehumanizing ideas for how to improve society by way of dispelling that "illusion."

      • DonaldJBrandon [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        The camus take you posted right there is basically what I came to after doing a ton of acid and having a year in existential crisis lol. I read about absurdist thought and camus and it really spoke to me at the time. I think absurdism is pretty compatible with communist thought though

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Nihilism gets a bad rap, but in a lot of ways I think it meshes well with a material understanding of the world. "Institutions are not sacred," "society's morals (such as the inviolability of private property) are subjective beliefs, not uncontestable universal truths" and "the course of society is determined by who is able to take and wield power" are all pretty nihilistic, but they also align pretty well with communist thinking and are powerful motivators for change.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I did emphasize pop-nihilism, the kind that comes from surface level readings and viewings of entertainment products and often a shallow understanding of Nietzsche.