why did the ruling class do this? i have vague ideas but not sure what is the actually correct analysis

  1. jesus

republican people with power actually believe the crap they say and/or know their voters do, so they genuinely just dont want abortions to happen because jesus

  1. class warfare

millennials arent having enough babies to support the labour pool + people with children make for better cogs, since they are less likely to stir shit and cause problems for their employers/landlords as they will feel they have more to risk

  1. fascist state

hearing stories from people reporting on their neighbours in texas, its about creating a fascist panopticon with people increasingly policing themselves and everyone they interact with across the country, with more things to police about each other to be added in the future

is it one of these, or a mix, or something else, or is it pointless to even search for the "correct" analysis here?

  • ides_of_Merch [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    better question: how is the modern family a superstructure which floats above the material base of patriarchal capitalism? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Origin_of_the_Family,_Private_Property_and_the_State

    According to Morgan, the rise of alienable property disempowered women by triggering a switch to patrilocal residence and patrilineal descent:

    It thus reversed the position of the wife and mother in the household; she was of a different gens from her children, as well as her husband; and under monogamy was now isolated from her gentile kindred, living in the separate and exclusive house of her husband. Her new condition tended to subvert and destroy that power and influence which descent in the female line and the joint-tenement houses had created. — Morgan, Lewis H. (1881). Houses and house-life of the American Aborigines. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. p. 128.

    Engels added political impact to all this, describing the "overthrow of mother right" as "the world-historic defeat of the female sex"; he attributed this defeat to the onset of farming and pastoralism. In reaction, most twentieth-century social anthropologists considered the theory of matrilineal priority untenable,