Be it about the game's plot and characters, the mechanics, or what to do if I get stuck - anyone got anything I should know? Only played P4G before. Got about 60 hours into that one, but uninstalled when I had to lose all my gear (hate that mechanic)

  • take_five_seconds [he/him, any]
    7 months ago
    cw:sa, pedo

    first dungeon is pretty heavy themes wise (a lot of implied sexual coercion of high school girls but nothing outright), and throughout the game the (underage) girls get sexualized a few times, esp with Ann being built like a grown woman

    there's some cringe queerphobic shit in shinjuku iirc, and lala-chan is in some regard a stereotype but not an especially problematic one (imo)

    there's a (somewhat spoiler-free) 100% walkthrough i could dig up if you ask nicely :P

    edit: i found it for you anyway read at your own risk! most of the story stuff is spoilered/absent but be careful to not click that spoiler shit til you're ready, and the guide is pretty much "just say this" to the confidants, so idk if you'd be into that. also the boss names are all available so you might not wanna read that either.

  • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    Exploiting enemy weaknesses is pretty key to winning on the RPG side of it. It's not a particularly difficult game, though, so I think it's best to just sit back and enjoy it.

    There's a special ending for the Royal version that requires maxing out particular characters social links. Don't worry if you don't get it on your first playthrough, you can easily play New Game + and get all of that.

    villain spoiler

    The mastermind villain being a Shinzo Abe stand in is funny yamagami

  • GinAndJuche
    7 months ago

    Go whole hog on the pokemon and fusion aspects. You can make the game trivial very earlier.

    Hang out in a spot and enjoy the vibes, especially when it’s raining, the atmosphere can be very cozy.

    Finish every dungeon in a single session once you get the option to, you’ll want to maximize your amount of time out of dungeon if you’re trying to max as many links as possible. This helps with the lack of difficulty by making resource management more engaging.

    save daily, once you run out of slots try and keep like a Monday and overwrite to the next Monday in case you need to go back in hindsight. If on pc, you can get around this by backing up the save files somewhere else before overwriting.

    All of that being said, the game really is at its best if you can overcome/ don’t have a completionist mindset (so ignore most of that if able).

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    7 months ago

    I wonder if they put as much queerphobia in this one as in Persona 4...

    • Magician [he/him, they/them]
      7 months ago

      There's a scene where the MC and the blond guy go into the city and she older men start hitting on them. Classic implication of queer people being predatory.

      You know, for a series that works with themes of being marginalized, misunderstood, scapegoated, and othered, Persona (3-5) really go out of their way to fuck up. It's all about teenagers figuring themselves out and persona 2 has the only canonically queer character who isn't a punchline.

      Society bad unless it's to make a cheap queerphobic joke.

      • take_five_seconds [he/him, any]
        7 months ago

        There's a scene where the MC and the blond guy go into the city and she older men start hitting on them.

        not just that they literally wisk ryuji away against his will, i forget what he says about what happens after that

        • Magician [he/him, they/them]
          7 months ago

          Oh god. It's worse than I remember then. It's such a shit show out here when Transgression - the JRPG can't even treat a gay person with dignity.

          They changed the 'Operation Babe Hunt' scene in Persona 3 Reload by replacing the 'deceptive' trans woman into a cis woman who turns out to be a conspiracy theorist.

          It's 2024 Atlus. Come on.

          • take_five_seconds [he/him, any]
            7 months ago

            when my partner and i were playing i was kinda mad i couldn't romance skull or fox, why can't i hit on the artsy boy huh?

            • Magician [he/him, they/them]
              7 months ago

              It's wild that it was unthinkable to have those when there were actual sketchy romance options.

              • take_five_seconds [he/him, any]
                7 months ago
                spoilers for game discussion, content warnings for in game problematic themes

                bro i was cringing so hard romancing oracle, she's so young and small and childlike (not to mention her severely traumatic history) i'm like joker is mf 18 or some shit get outta town i'm not grooming her while my joker runs amok thru the friendgroup (and all the randoms and ADULT women he gets with like his MOTHERFUCKING TEACHER??) but nah gay ppl having a gay time together is where they draw the line? just nonsense. i like to imagine the scenes with crow as being severely queer coded and positive queer representation but that's headcannon cuz nah it's actually just 2 dudes hanging out having very... interesting conversations. idk joker x crow for life.

                sorry i had a few beers

  • Infamousblt [any]
    7 months ago

    You should find a spoiler free relationship answers spreadsheet. Otherwise you won't get all the relationships done and you will probably miss the true ending because you said the wrong thing at the wrong time. It's super infuriating. But there are spreadsheets out there that are basically like "using this spoiler free code name that will make perfect sense when you get to that part, choose option 1 then 3 then 1 then 1 then 1. Etc. super helpful very recommend

      • Stoatmilk [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I don't think you really need one, this one is much more of a Being Normal Simulator than the previous two. If you prioritize getting the fortune teller SL to unlock the ability to boost social links and use that whenever a relationship wouldn't rank up in one day, you should have plenty of time.