Peak male form IMO. We set human civilization up for failure when we started deviating from this path and "discovered" America.
Just imagining a better universe where fossil fuels didn't exist, and we had this technology but also antibiotics.
Fighting the cops would be a lot better if the cowards couldn't just shoot you with rubber and gas, and had to actually face you down, halberd-to-halberd :cop: :maduro-katana-1: :sicko-wholesome:
They may be encased in steel plates that protect from bows, blades, axes and spears, but I'm glad you can still fucking kick them in the nuts.
Google Henry VIII's codpiece for the 16th century's best example of compensating for something.
It’s pretty cool how armour shaping was influenced by fashion as well as practicality. The only reason armour had such narrow waists and curvy hips was because that was the clothing style at the time
not a piece of shit sword in sight
thats some real gear right there
The thumbnail makes this look like a cartoon about "equity" vs "equality" or whatever.
Anyway the three polearms in the middle look like remnants from some much earlier era, very iron age style, very cool