I was in line at the pharmacy. This :grillman: :maybe-later-kiddo: power couple in front of me, of the distinct "The Wife dresses as fancy and distinguished as she can, while The Man Of The House dresses like a sack of flour wearing a Punisher skull t-shirt with a thin blue through it with cargo shorts" variety. The pharmacist had a :doomer: face that I felt kinship with, and looked too tired to hide it.

:grillman: "DID YOU CHECK THE BACK?" (caps emphasis his) "I DIDN'T SEE YOU CHECKING THE BACK."

:doomer: "The area behind me is 'the back.' What you see is what you get-"

:maybe-later-kiddo: "Excuse me? What did you just say?"

:doomer: "That's it. That's 'the back.' I'm sorry, that really is the entire-"

:grillman: "REALLY? FUCKIN' REALLY? You going to give me that much fuckin' attitude, son?"

:maybe-later-kiddo: snapping her fingers at someone that she thinks is the manager, arm reached over the counter, stretching around the covid-era sneeze shield, while that not-manager kept her head down and kept working at her station


No gunshots ensued, but the :doomer: did a walk of resignation around the little visible back area anyway, pretending to be looking for something.

:grillman: "Was that so hard?"

Things calmed down from there, and after a dull and stupid extra few minutes, :grillman: :maybe-later-kiddo: left without anything else remarkable to talk about, except that they wanted written information about :doomer: to send to the pharmacy's management.

I sort of made the same :doomer: face at :doomer: in sympathy, but that's all I could really do. Is it really that hard to not make miserable people more miserable?

  • Patriot [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    a PUNY and WEAK former “SOLDIER” had a nervous breakdown at a PUBLIC fireworks CEREMONY

    this is AFTER he loudly said:

    • “facts don’t care about your feelings”

    • “I can tell they’re a groomer because they have pronouns”

    • (incomprehensible and generic bullying sounds towards his nervous and also horrible wife)

    • “they should have let me bring my gun here. I don’t feel safe without my gun.”

    The fireworks started and he was okay until the THIRD firework, after which point, he snapped and started sobbing because he “didn’t have his gun” and “there are so many {RACIAL-SLUR}s with guns”

    he went home early because every firework set him off. guy was wearing a “blue lives matter” punisher shirt.

    funniest shit I’ve ever seen. Fuck that guy