I was in line at the pharmacy. This :grillman: :maybe-later-kiddo: power couple in front of me, of the distinct "The Wife dresses as fancy and distinguished as she can, while The Man Of The House dresses like a sack of flour wearing a Punisher skull t-shirt with a thin blue through it with cargo shorts" variety. The pharmacist had a :doomer: face that I felt kinship with, and looked too tired to hide it.

:grillman: "DID YOU CHECK THE BACK?" (caps emphasis his) "I DIDN'T SEE YOU CHECKING THE BACK."

:doomer: "The area behind me is 'the back.' What you see is what you get-"

:maybe-later-kiddo: "Excuse me? What did you just say?"

:doomer: "That's it. That's 'the back.' I'm sorry, that really is the entire-"

:grillman: "REALLY? FUCKIN' REALLY? You going to give me that much fuckin' attitude, son?"

:maybe-later-kiddo: snapping her fingers at someone that she thinks is the manager, arm reached over the counter, stretching around the covid-era sneeze shield, while that not-manager kept her head down and kept working at her station


No gunshots ensued, but the :doomer: did a walk of resignation around the little visible back area anyway, pretending to be looking for something.

:grillman: "Was that so hard?"

Things calmed down from there, and after a dull and stupid extra few minutes, :grillman: :maybe-later-kiddo: left without anything else remarkable to talk about, except that they wanted written information about :doomer: to send to the pharmacy's management.

I sort of made the same :doomer: face at :doomer: in sympathy, but that's all I could really do. Is it really that hard to not make miserable people more miserable?

  • Patriot [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    a PUNY and WEAK former “SOLDIER” had a nervous breakdown at a PUBLIC fireworks CEREMONY

    this is AFTER he loudly said:

    • “facts don’t care about your feelings”

    • “I can tell they’re a groomer because they have pronouns”

    • (incomprehensible and generic bullying sounds towards his nervous and also horrible wife)

    • “they should have let me bring my gun here. I don’t feel safe without my gun.”

    The fireworks started and he was okay until the THIRD firework, after which point, he snapped and started sobbing because he “didn’t have his gun” and “there are so many {RACIAL-SLUR}s with guns”

    he went home early because every firework set him off. guy was wearing a “blue lives matter” punisher shirt.

    funniest shit I’ve ever seen. Fuck that guy

  • crime [she/her, any]
    2 years ago

    Had a guy I didn't know at the July 4 party I was at ask me and my wife why we were still wearing masks, my wife talked about being super high-risk for covid complications, the dude clearly processed none of that and spewed some word salad about "thinning the herd"

    Overlooking the obvious "it would be good if you died" implication, the host's husband and the dad of guy who presumably invited this chud actually died of covid somewhat recently

    the whole thing was a big ol' :jesus-christ: which got even weirder when he flagged me down to ask my pronouns in a "hey you! are you a man or a woman? my wife keeps telling me to be nicer so what are your pronouns?" sort of way lmao

    If I never attend another cishet party again I'll be happy

    • Patriot [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      The CISHETS are BIGBRAINED and GLISTENING from their ONGOING COVID INFECTIONS (it is swelling their brains)

    • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
      2 years ago

      If I never attend another cishet party again I’ll be happy

      This 4th was my first "fuck America, but at least this is a good excuse to grill together" queer party, and that was so nice I don't think I can ever go back

      • crime [she/her, any]
        2 years ago

        I miss those :( I moved to the middle of nowhere recently so i'm still trying to find the other queer people. Fortunately one of the nearby cities has a roller derby team so I'm gonna start there

    • ScotPilgrimVsTheLibs [they/them]
      2 years ago

      It's weird how many Christian hogs will assume that just because they are straight and a man, that's all the moral-superiority they need and then revel in committing as much sin as possible outside of that because they want to look tough, or something.

      Do they not think that the devil approves of them acting like a complete tool to random people, even if it's directed at other straight guys?

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Maybe it's just confirmation bias on my part but I swear it's always older people being condescending and entitled toward powerless clerks. I never see people my age or younger pulling that shit.

  • StonkJunkie [any]
    2 years ago

    was at a blockchain party because I’m an alcoholic, they had an open bar, and I somehow still get into those for free.

    I described the tulip disaster to a bunch of crypto bros, but modernized it a little and they were all in. Fucking trash people. I’ve ripped off so many of these idiots.

  • CyberSyndicalist [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I had one try to convince me that it's the law that I have to remove my mask while talking to them. They stormed off after I refused.

  • invo_rt [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Generally, after people like that leave, I'll go up to the counter and say "Jeez... those two were fucking pieces of shit" or something like that just to give the employee a little catharsis.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      There was quite a line behind me but there was a sympathetic exchange of glances and body language.

  • Sorath [she/her, it/its]
    2 years ago

    Talking with a woman about politics two days ago. She says, "I don't trust the government, I think we'd be better off without them."

    I go, "So you're an Anarchist?"

    She scoffs, saying, "No way, I'm a Conservative."

    and I said: 👁️‍🗨️ ➖ 👁️‍🗨️

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      She eats from many trash cans all the time, and the combined soup froths and ferments under a vague single label that isn't technically accurate, unless that label is "spite."

  • Mizokon [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    People scream "TOUCH GRASS" but touching grass results in you seeing this shit.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I still touch grass. I have to. My garden and my fruit trees need me.

      Yet, whenever I criticize the treats here on Hexbear, very high chance I'm going to get "TOUCH GRASS" chanted at me. Because the only people that are very online are those that criticize the (online, mostly) treats.

    • 18558355324 [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      I guess I’m lucky I just get a rash when I touch (most types of) grass. Has anyone done a bit about “touch grass” being ableist to people with allergies yet?

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I appreciate the sympathy for that pharmacist, but please share your chud story too.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I appreciate the sympathy for that pharmacist, but please share your chud story too.

  • crime [she/her, any]
    2 years ago

    oh good the "I'm gonna count to three" that you use when attempting to threaten or discipline toddlers, or when you're a 55-year-old toddler yourself

  • TheRealChrisR [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I drive rideshare and heres a copy paste of a fucked up ride that just happened:

    Driving this couple in my backseat and dudes drunk and touchin my hair(i have long hair), talking about he wants to grow hair like that blah blah blah starts getting annoying, gf starts sayin some cool down shit, bf randomly referencing past military service/being shot in the head/“just shoot me in the head wah wah” crying in response to being told to be a slightly less annoying drunk.

    Idk its windy and dark roads im driving down and

    Pretty sure i heard some hits and “you cant wait til we get home?” And turned around and pretty sure i saw him smacking on her and let out a “yo what the fuck” Finished the ride and I really couldnt do anything. Idk didnt mention anything chuddy besides the military service but thats prolly enuff.

    • StonkJunkie [any]
      2 years ago

      I only punch up. This is easy because I am both short and a minority.

      • Sea_Gull [they/them]
        2 years ago

        And an anti-air move is a vital part of many fighter movesets.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Yes, I have done that before, specifically about a chud on a bus that was harassing the driver.

      The sweaty, meth-addled-looking chud stared at me the rest of the trip, hate in his eyes got off on my stop, and followed me for blocks, pretending he wasn't stalking me. I glared back at him and did that juvenile "lunge" thing and asked me to start something. I stood my ground, told him I wasn't interested. He backed down, but from a distance, kept following me. I started going a different route away from my house and he only stopped following me when he got tired a half hour later.

      I'd rather not repeat that again, even if I displease an internet stranger and lose internet points.

      • Abcdefg [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        I got attacked by some meth addled skinhead the other day. Accidentally bumped into each other on the street and he lost his shit, was screaming incoherently in my face, wide eyed, “I’ll stomp your fuckin teeth out’ etc. his girlfriend yelled at him and then stormed off. I didn’t want to fight - I’m not a fighter, although I’ve been in fights and I know that someone on meth doesn’t stop until they seriously hurt you or you seriously hurt them. Anyway we shoved each other around a bit and then I took up a boxing stance and told him I was sorry we’d bumped each other but if that wasn’t good enough we’d have to fight. Honestly don’t know if I could’ve taken him, but some people really are animals and its when you show fear that they pounce. he left it and walked off. I saw him again in a local shop couple of days later, I just ignored him and he did likewise lol.