I don't really get "Leto Joker" vibes from this personally, but to each their own. :shrug-outta-hecks:
Aren't you that (budo)guy that posted about wanting to take a bullet if only for the admiration
INB4 "idk what youre talking about"
"I don't like that this guy politely disagreed with my joke: Screenshot Time"
you've uncovered the ruse! The jig is up!
Stop being a fucking creeper and better yourself already
look I just have nuanced opinions on age of consent in anime and scorned protagonists ok
In context at the end of a fight as a last stand sacrifice this panel could work in my opinion. Kinda meh by itself
Is BNHA worth reading or should I just keep periodically forgetting about it until new seasons of the anime are out and I can binge watch them over a couple of days?
S4 was fine imo. S5 was kind of meh: the first half is taken up with another no-stakes friendly competition with the classes, then the rest just sort of jumbles around in a non-linear way with a climax that happened before the rest of the season even started IIRC. It had good parts to it, don't get me wrong, but the overall structure was unsatisfying when it takes forever just to get back to where the season's story started - I don't feel like that narrative structural choice worked too well there and how it contributed to the sense that the season was just treading water.
They also removed the villain group killing a load of racists and that being portrayed as a good thing.
Might have been for time as they really don't want to show the villains more than the bare minimum, but the cynic in me says that it was because nerds would have gotten mad if there even was an implication that racism exists and is a societal issue.
Not that the manga is great by any means, but they managed to butcher one of the few arcs that hasn't just been average shonen fare completely in the anime.
It's in the final arc and it feels kinda meh to follow weekly for me