Like, all the others are these wacky animals (And a non-specific monster I guess) and then there's just...a guy.
His Christian name is Pasqually P. Pieplate btw (The "P" likely standing for "Pizza").
apparently his catchphrase is "hasta la pasta" which is spanish
also if you are going to do a pun on "hasta la vista" why not go with "hasta la pizza"
They all look kind of gross but Pasqually is def the most offputting
the Chuck Entertainment Cheese Pizza Time Theater is a magical place where savage, grunting beasts of fur and fang are granted human form and the power of communication through language and song.
Wait your parents never told you? Well... I'm sorry to break it to you PowerOfGlove, but Italians aren't real. They're all just Chuck E. Cheese Mascots... every single one.
Chuck E. Cheese is basically just the broadway version of Ratatouille.
Nothing wrong with negatively stereotyping Italians. Dirty wops.
Why would they have four real mascots plus one grotesque monstrosity?