
  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    2 years ago

    100%. Just because they aren't named by history like the bigwigs they beheaded doesn't mean they weren't real, thinking, feeling, human beings like you or I. Our sympathies should be always be pointed to the powerless. What the Ancien Regime did to France is horrible. And they also balled the French into a fist and used its people to punch outward. The majority of the First Crusade was French. Louis of "Saint Louis the Crusader" fame invaded Egypt on a botched Crusade himself. France was the dominant military power in Europe for centuries. Everyone assumes it was the Germans that were because of the Junkers and the world wars but France was dominant for a lot of the last thousand years. The only authentically cool thing the French monarchy ever did was that time Louis "The Sun King" had "Ultima Ratio Regum" inscribed on his cannons. "The Last Argument of Kings."

    That's some heavy metal shit right there. :cat-vibing: