i want to say australia, the uk and japan are the top three, tnetatively in that order, but you could probably fit klanada in there instead.
i want to say australia, the uk and japan are the top three, tnetatively in that order, but you could probably fit klanada in there instead.
The Indian populace is definitely ideologically cucked though. Obviously a great power with nukes and the 3rd largest army in the world can't be easily cucked materially by the US
Eh, I interpreted the thread to mean countries which are subservient to USA to their own detriment. Otherwise, every single capitalist country is "ideologically cucked", no?
Not the person you're conversing with, but that's how I took the prompt as well
I mean QUAD is basically the Asian NATO except for countering China instead of Russia.
India is losing in many ways, U.S wants India to open up its markets further for capitalist exploitation and India is likely to continue doing it cuz China.