(for him)
this just looks like a Kelly comic done up and without the :kelly:
Decimalization is a plague wrought upon our society by bourgeois liberals, while traditional units of measurement were refined over thousands of years by the proletariat through practical use to be applicable to the real world.
Consider money. You have a mutual aid program with one thousand dollars that it needs to give to three equally-needy people. How the fuck are you going to give each of them $333.33 repeating money? Absolute bullshit.
The old money system was far more rational. Two-hundred forty pennies to a dollar was a pretty common way to break it up. That breakup allowed each dollar to be split evenly among 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40, 48, 60, 80, 120, and 240 of your fellow workers. Compare that to the modern, decimalized dollar, which can only be split evenly between 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, and 100 of your fellow proletarians.
It’s not just money that suffers from decimalization though, it’s damn-near everything. What the fuck is 30 centimeters? Oh, it’s about as long as a foot. Why not just use a foot? Do you know how long a foot is? It’s about as long as A FUCKING FOOT! HOW MUCH IS 235 MILLILITERS? IT’S ABOUT AS LARGE AS A CUP! ISN’T OUR SYSTEM IS SO MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN THE OLD SYSTEM OF A CUP BEING ABOUT AS LARGE AS A CUP!
You might be thinking “oh you’re just a dumb provincial American, get used to the metric system and it isn’t so bad.” Motherfucker the beautiful thing about the old measurement system is that you never have to “get used” to fucking anything, because the measurements are based on practical shit. The only practical measurement in the whole fucking metric system is the liter, and that’s because they made it almost indistinguishable from a quart.
BuT hOw MaNy QuArTs ArE iN a GaLlOn? Listen here you common core chucklefuck. Saying that it’s easier to remember metric because it’s all in tens or hundreds or whatever is just pasting a bandaid over the problem, which is that our education system has had all practical skills systematically rooted out of it. I remember taking Home Ec when I was in middle school and I damn well learned what all of the common measurements were by applying them to real life shit. This metric bullshit is designed to be easier to memorize when you read about it in a textbook.
Who would design this disaster? The French took a break from their rampant Islamophobia and Antisemitism to create this bullshit. But it wasn’t the French people, who continued to use traditional units of measure until the new systems were forced upon them, it was the post-revolutionary Bourgeoisie, who had never cut wood or measured flour in their fucking lives, who said “hon hon, let us introduce a new measurement system, oi oi” and infected the world with this plague.
Metric is idealistic nonsense imposed by rich assholes that is increasingly being favored over the materialist, proletarian traditional measurements. The only reason it has any continuing cultural purchase at all is because PMC dipshits like to lord how much smarter they are over everyone. Look inside yourself and destroy any vestige of a hold the metric system has on you, just as through self reflection you should seek to destroy all other forms of liberalism.
Daily reminder: you don't hate the metric system, you hate Base 10.
we should count in base 0, as an elaborate troll.
0 = 0
00 = 1
000 = 2
0000= 3
The metric system is bullshit, though. Metroids are always like, "YoU jUsT hAvE tO gEt UsEd To It", bitch nobody had to "get used" to anything before European liberal colonizers forced this shit on them.
Please don't put "you can remember there's 5280 feet in a mile by going five to-mate-oes" on the same level as calling America turtle island
It is absolutely on the same level though. Marxists are supposed to analyze the world through a class lens, and standard weights and measures were created over thousands of years by peasants and artisans making actual objects - while metric was forced on them by bourgeois institutions so that it would be easier to create "free trade" by making everything in the places where workers are the most exploited and shipping the goods across the border.
Ok nerd, you keep your fucking caveman measures. Cobbled together ass system.
"Ugg measure weight in stones!" Go play with your rocks.
Lookmy car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I LIKE IT
Original measurements were "cobbled together" by actual craftspeople over thousands of years of making actual, practical objects. They are based on lengths, weights and volumes that are useful to real people in real situations.
The metric system was invented by bourgeois Frenchmen who had never crafted anything in their lives, and based on absolutely nothing. Only later did some asshole come along and post-hoc justify it by saying "uh actually a meter is the distance that light travels in 1/1534864156374864153th of a second"
The whole system was literally designed to make it slightly easier to teach standard weights and measures to schoolchildren because multiplying and dividing by ten looks prettier on paper, but once you start measuring actual things in metric you start getting all kinds of awkward decimals and god help you if you have to divide something other than 2 or 5 parts because then you have to figure out how to measure a repeating decimal. Metric is out of touch bullshit invented by the bazinga brains of its day and forced on the rest of the world by European colonialism.
Don't give me any of that "used by actual craftspeople" bullshit, you gonna justify measuring in spans because it was used as a standard unit of distance prior to the invention of unified measures?
Metric wasn't adopted by working people almost everywhere in the world because of French colonialism but because of ease of calculations. The irony of you claiming that adopting the fucking imperial system is anti-colonialism is palpable.
This is a false equivocation. Unified measures are a good, internationalist project. It is the metric system itself that is an expression of class warfare, the bourgeois enforcing what's easiest for them onto people who naturally tend to a different system.
And it is an expression of European colonialism. Who do you think brought meters and liters to Africa and South America? They weren't adopted by grassroots movements but enforced by colonial and postcolonial managers who were exploiting the locals to produce treats for the imperial core.
Lastly, calling standard measurements the "imperial" system is an op to tie traditional measurements to the British Empire, which at the time was the main competitor to other European countries' imperial projects. Literally propaganda to hide the imperialist origins of their own preferred system of weights and measures.
Standard measurements
Used in only three countries
What fleeting practicality measuring in feet and inches has exists only on a limited scale, and when you're dealing with anything larger than a mile or smaller than an inch you're back to that base 10 you so loathe.
Used in only three countries
This proves how terrible our political beliefs are. :very-intelligent:
I believe you've missed my point somewhat.
What I was trying to say is that calling imperial measurements "standard measurements" is absurd considering that there's only a couple of countries that use it as a system.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Fahrenheit is better than Celsius.
“But Fahrenheit is arbitrary, Celsius is based on water’s freezing and boiling temp!” Yeah sure, at one specific pressure. Besides, how often do you need to know what temperature water boils at?
Fahrenheit is a human centered scale, made for use by humans. It’s basically “what percent hot is it outside?” You basically never have to go above 100 or below 0, and if you do it’s dangerous to be outside.
Also, Fahrenheit is more precise, each degree of Fahrenheit is about 2 degrees of Celsius, and idk about y’all but I can easily tell the difference between my AC being set to 75F vs 76F.
Smaller problem but I also think the meter is too big. There’s a reason yards are only used as a measurement for football fields and nothing else. That’s a nitpick though, the temperature one I will die on that hill.
Nah, it’s just what you’re used to because it’s what you were taught at school. There’s nothing weird about saying it’s 25 outside or setting your oven to 180, or knowing that if it’s dropping below 0 that rain might turn to snow. I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s going on with ounces that measure volume or the ounces that measure weight, but then again it’s not what I was taught in school so it seems weird and awkward to me.
Yeah ounces are fucking indefensible, both the weight and the volume. I don’t even know much an oz weighs tbh
I think it depends on whether its an American ounce or a British ounce, oh and then there's also different ounces when measuring gold and silver too if I recall correctly. Troy ounces I think? It's a shame that Napoleon lost at Trafalgar and wasn't able to liberate the Anglo world from this weird set of measurements.
Ok, but have you considered that a change in degrees Celsius fits perfectly to a change in degrees Kelvin and that greatly simplifies enthalpy calculations.
Also, Fahrenheit is more precise, each degree of Fahrenheit is about 2 degrees of Celsius, and idk about y’all but I can easily tell the difference between my AC being set to 75F vs 76F.
That's probably why mine goes in increments of 0.5°C, I've also seen systems with supposed 0.25° precision.
I’ve lived with both systems for extensive periods of time (grew up with C, now living with F) and I can say the user experience difference is minimal — except for winter with temperatures below freezing, it feels very weird not being able to easily tell how much below freezing/how cold it is with F.
You basically never have to go above 100 or below 0
ask people in Nevada, Arizona, Florida, and Alaska about this
and if you do it’s dangerous to be outside.
people have heat strokes when it's 85 out, and they can freeze to death in the 10s
Can we go one step further and adopt the French Revolutionary calendar, for real
happy 9 Thermidor
it's literally the day of the Thermidorian Reaction :deeper-sadness: