Republicans would need control of at least 34 state legislatures to be able to call such a convention, and 37 to ratify any amendments.

So far they have unified control of 31 state legislatures. Of those 31, 19 have signed onto an application for an Article V Convention put forward by Convention of States, a conservative activist group.

  • soft [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I'm not sure that the mapping between local bourgeois and the Republican party is exactly that neat. There are plenty of bankers and corpos who are in deep with the Republicans and wouldn't stand to gain from signing on to the Alex Jones platform.

    That's what I hope anyway. I've been thinking lately that the neolibs who have been at the helms of both parties for 50 years are actually sort of progressive, in a way. No matter how painful the culture war gets, at least the capitalists can't help but gradually hollow out their own strength by financializing everything and consolidating and outsourcing and optimizing. Everything gets bigger and the TRPF stirs in its sleep. But if we have some great reset with local bourgeois temporarily making gains in their intra-bourgeois power struggles, breaking up corporations and reducing the torrential flows of government money into the "wrong" bourgeois pockets, then that could tend to turn back the clock in a world-historical sense. We could be farther from economic collapse than ever, while still losing the culture war. Not fun to think about.

    I'm not sure I'm really on the right track with this train of thought but that's what's been going on in this little brain :blob-no-thoughts: